
Como parte de una gira realizada por una delegación gubernamental, el consejero federal suizo y jefe del Departamento Federal de Asuntos Económicos, Educación e Investigación, Johann Schneider-Ammann, acompañado por el ministro de Desarrollo Económico de Azerbaiyán, Shahin Mustafayev, y el embajador de Suiza, Philipp Stalder, visitaron el nuevo Fábrica de Sika cerca de la capital del país, Bakú. Las modernas instalaciones producen aditivos y morteros de concreto para el mercado local de la construcción.

Representatives of Azerbaijan and Switzerland visiting Sika Factory near Baku
Imagen: Representatives of Azerbaijan and Switzerland visiting Sika Factory near Baku

The representatives of both countries’ governments were highly impressed by Sika's new factory at Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park to the north of Baku. It replaces the existing production facility in the center of the capital and will increase local production capacity. The factory tour included the recently commissioned mortar production line and the manufacturing facility for concrete admixtures, which has been moved to the new site and modernized.

Johann Schneider-Ammann: "Like many of our globally active brands, Sika is a true representative of the innovative and competitive Swiss private sector. The new Sika factory is another substantial investment of Switzerland into the non-oil sector of the economy of Azerbaijan."

Ivo Schädler, EMEA Regional Manager: "As an international company with Swiss roots, our strategy is to position ourselves early on in growth markets and steadily expand our commitment. We have been selling our innovative products in Azerbaijan since 2005. The new, modern facility not only enables us to expand our product portfolio, it also means we can enhance product quality while lowering costs and strengthening our position as a high-caliber supplier to the country's up-and-coming construction market."


Sika factory in Azerbaijan
Imagen: The modern facility near Baku, Azerbaijan, produces concrete admixtures and mortar for the local construction market
Construction industry on track for growth

Azerbaijan's economy has resumed its growth trajectory. In the next ten years it is expected to expand by 4.3% p.a. on average. Government investments in the oil and gas industry and in infrastructure will lend new stimuli to the construction industry. Major projects currently in the planning stage include the circular railway Baku-Sumgait-Baku with 23 stations, and Azerbaijan Towers – the world’s highest building at 1,050 meters.